Flying is a pleasure, but sometimes is even greater pleasure to stay at the airport and enjoy their services. Oh, no? What do you prefer the fires of hell before re-entering an airport ? What queues are boring and outrageously high prices? Something tells us you do not know some of the 10 world's strangest airports. So glad to have its fly , this airports are the most amazing airports in the world you can see it.
10- Gibraltar ِAirport:
Gibraltar airport - strangest airports in the world |
Sure, if Gibraltar was Spanish these things would not happen. Or, well, yes. The thing is that the construction of the airport of Gibraltar is back to World War II, and what is special (and dangerous) is that the road crosses Gibraltar busiest airport side by side, so it must be closed every time you pass a plane. cuts Gibraltar Airport in two, the only flat place, and it is spectacular to see how the airport can become a road and back. What you've never felt that cut the streets for you?
9- Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport:
Juancho E. Yrausquim airport - strangest airports |
Want to go to Saba, in the Caribbean, to feel like the queen of the place? For the only way to do that, at least by plane, is to go to the airport Juancho E. Yrausquin, considered by many as the most dangerous airport in the world for tourists. And is that not only is surrounded by high and dangerous and steep hills and cliffs deadly but also its single runway just passed the 400 , so it's a great choice to end very badly. Of course, a Boeing 747 can not go there, nor, indeed, any commercial airliner. However, propeller planes are allowed to land there. So far, nothing has happened to the surprise of those living near the airport.
8- Madeira, Funchail airport:
Madeira, Funchail airport - strangest airports in the world |
Go to Madeira is passing through the airport in Funchal, the place that controls national and international air traffic of the island. The airport was notorious after an accident in 1977 and the 1400 meters of track, which fell short, were expanded to more than 3000. The problem, of course, is how expanded. And the track is going to the sea, so it was decided to make a bridge held by 180 columns over seventy meters. Surprisingly, Funchal Airport has won more than one award of construction, much as it seems that is going to fall at any time.
7- Courchevel airport:
Courchevel airport - strangest airports in the world |
In the French Alps, where skiing is practiced over the world, lies Courchevel, a place where aircraft can land at the airport ... if they dare to deal with their barely 525 meters and a slope of 18.5% , which can only be reached by helicopter or private charter only if the pilot has passed a series of dangerous training exercises.
6- Hong Kong Original airport:
Hong Kong Original airport - strangest airports |
Kai Tak Airport Hong Kong original, was changed by another officer, which is but an island of more than 5 square kilometers. Also, inside there is an exhibition center ... and a golf course luxury! 's also true that it is one of the world's busiest airports, but there are those who ask that excuse that is worth a whopping nine of 46 euros.
5- Osaka airport:
Osaka airport - strangest airport in the world |
Osaka airport could not be in town, so they decided to put it ... a few miles within Osaka Bay.built an airport there is huge which can be reached by car, train or ferry. airport ready for any national disaster and the only thing that can kill it is climate change. In fact, it is estimated that less than half a year is lost underwater. Farewell to the magnificence!
4- Macao airport:
Macao airport - strangest world's airports |
Again we are faced with an airport, for lack of space on land, decided to build the airport on a nearby island, joined to the mainland by a highway. The funny thing is that this island is only runway: The control tower and main terminal are beyond the highway, on the island of Taipa. A as bleak as appealing prospect.
3- Nepal, Lukla airport:
Nepal, Lukla airport - world's strangest airports |
Lukla Airport, a small town in Nepal This is one of the world's most dangerous places: On the one hand, a gigantic mountain. On the other hand, a decline of more than one hundred meters that can end your life. At an altitude of 2900 meters, getting land at this airport is almost an impossibility. This airport is relatively popular for being the place where many begin their road to Everest. Yes, the adventure is not to die a lot.
2-Antarctic Peninsula:
Antarctic Peninsula airport - strange airports |
Here's an airport where it is easy to make a slip. Yes, it's a bad game of words. And this airport is literally ... a piece of ice in which to try to land. In return for the danger, there is much space as anyone could need to maneuver. The problem, of course, is that the aircraft can move too, break the ice or stay stuck in soft snow. sounds like a plan to vacation, right?
1- Princess Juliana airport:
Princess Juliana airport - amazing and strange airport |
Ah, Caribbean Crystal Beach! The sand under your feet! The giant aircraft passing over the beach and scaring the staff! So Princess Juliana airport, a tourist attraction in which the planes fly by tourists and where, surprisingly for all, yet there has been no disgrace . Many of us, though, we would not be very close. By the way, more than anything. Being struck by a plane above looks like it hurt.